Monday, June 1, 2015

Be still and know

Today I stand in my kitchen and think I need to do more I need to serve the body of Christ in some way. So here I am to pour out my heart. Praying that someone sees His love for them.

About 2 years ago God challenged me to do my job and do it well. So I started serving in the church in every way that I could children's church, leading bible study for ladies in jail, loving on women who have been trapped in human trafficing. But I still felt that feeling that things were not exactly in God's will. I just worked hard served more, volunteered rean errands for others just threw myself into everything with 3 littles in tow.

Fast forward 2 years we moved for my husband's job 7 months ago. I was still in my living room deep into the word and a friend sent me an email with an artical that she thought would bless me.  Well it was all about homemaking! It was praising mother's and wife's who have been called to be at home and provide for their families in the home. All details talked about being a homemaker is a job and you should consider it a job and do it well! So here I on a quest to truly become a homemaker and do it well. So I thought why not document the journey. Lots a people document after they have upacked all the boxes and set everything up all pretty but I feel like want to do this unguarded! I want to look back and this be able to see God's glory. I know that God has great things in store for me. I just pray that I chase after Him by reading the word and follow after His will with trust.

So I said all that to say sometime God wants you to serve right were you are. It may not be something to help all the hurt and broken of the world the way that I feel like I was destined to do. I know that God used me while I was on my mission to make Him and His love known but if only I would have just sat still and listened for step 2 of His will. How much great would His love been known

Walking with God